Tuesday, August 2, 2016

OTI:one poem and notes:8/2/16

Open To Interpretation


A seed seeds one thing,
A carrot, and radish, and such
To be expected.
Oh, to seed your furrow,
And then see a seed combined from you and me
Grow up to be a seed
Expectedly independently
Unlike carrot or radish, and much else
Permanently this or that
Having no independence freedom read.


Notes: Seed...reference 'objective correlative'...I heard that term in my literature classes, and didn't have a clue...like much else...thought it was something Samuel Taylor Coleridge went on about, but no, it was T.S. Eliot...and he introduces it by writing up a critique of Hamlet where he says Shakespeare didn't develop Hamlet enough as a character, so he comes across to the audience as incomplete...brb...


Eliot uses Lady Macbeth's state of mind as an example of the successful objective correlative  : “The artistic ‘inevitability’ lies in this complete adequacy of the external to the emotion….” , as a contrast to Hamlet. According to Eliot, the feelings of Hamlet are not sufficiently supported by the story and the other characters surrounding him.



...poor Hamlet...anyway, I wanted to find just what is an 'objective correlative'...and the wiki take has this too:


Popularized by Eliot in his essay "Hamlet and His Problems", the term was first used by Washington Allston around 1840 in the "Introductory...

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