Tuesday, September 20, 2016

OTI:five poems and notes:9/20/16

Open To Interpretation


Watching the steel nib masters
I curl into a fetal
Not the calligraphers
The ones that draw
And tell those tales
Row on row
On the bookstores' shelves.
I scratch with my steel nib,
Make my runes
That no one can decipher.


I was relating another
Of my homely dilemmas
I have many
To have you maybe smile
To one of my story flirts
You went off
Adding lines
Sometimes thin
Sometimes wide
Sometime light
Sometimes heavy
Sometimes dark
Sometimes heavenly
Sometimes sharp
Sometimes soft
Sometimes straight
Sometimes curly
Embellishing my story
From sad to funny.
I'd relate what you said
But it's
Two lines crossed!

Human Being

Being a poet
Isn't like
Being a master calligrapher.
It's like,
It's just being
A human being.


I stubbed my toe
I want you to know.


Making poems
You should be sitting at a desk
Not resting on your side.

You say.
Look at all those reclining Buddhas!
My answer!
That's just an excuse for being lazy.
You say.
Yes, I answer,
But a good one!


Notes:  I'm exhausted...it took all day...I was going to let it go, but thought to look for a Word play template...there's lots...so fussed, and got it into the template...have changed the name of the little play from Zeus to Women Can Do No Wrong...and then found in my download file that Creative Space had sent me their template...so I figured out how to select all in Word, ctrl a, and ctr c copied ctr v pasted it from the Word play template into Creative's...it didn't fit of course...back and forth, back and forth, from 'interior review' to my word file...finally just deleted the character list, that text was over the margins...carry over format from the downloaded template...didn't really need it...ruins the play as story anyway...so, checked off 'interior', went back and got 'cover' checked off, and filled out the online federal tax thingy, that checked off...everything green!...so, now I wait...some real eyes will eyeball it, and, I think, ask if I want a proof copy sent...I think there is a small fee...so, I'm on my hands waiting...it was almost as tough to do as uploading from the discs, WOW, World of Warcraft, and getting the game to work!...have that task to do soon as I have funds for the new expansion!...but now I know how Creative Space Publishing goes, and I'll be in the swim at the OCPC gathering, where they all look to have one of these little self published books!...oh, I added too the dialog of Hippolytus and Phaedra from a month or so back...didn't change a word, so it is out of rhythm, but it has its own which kind of fits...H and P come across as real in contrast to the kind of mechanical, some literally, figures in the play...I put the dialogs just before Artemis enters...oh, I need to put the play in the blog now, all in one piece!...but I'll wait until I see the booklet's progress...I was going to work with the steel pen today, and take some pics of the effort, and the poems were for that...maybe I can do more tomorrow, and the pen too...I have to try a script...there's free download script templates too!



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