Tuesday, July 4, 2017

OTI:two poems and notes:7/4/17

Happy Fourth!

Open To Interpretation


You are the one
You'll never be alone again
You're more than in my head, you're more

Shiny Toy Guns

Would sound too much like
A last ditch ultimatum,
Rather I'll retreat discretely
Like a cat burglar
Sneaking away
From your dreamed house
And you'll wake up
Nothing out of place
But a valentine dream poem
Some forgotten party goer
Left behind.


Hello again,
We're asleep again
In some adventure
Side by side
Different takes
This world makes
Us dreams separate
Alone apart
Until we awake
All together and say
Hello again.


Notes: 'Goodbye' waited awhile on the iphone notepad...'Hello again' I thought a refrain in one of Shiny Toy Gun's songs...tried to find it...then today realized the refrain was 'alone again', and the very last line in the song You Are The One...so, so, having straightened that out, was able to add 'Hello'...hmmph...MidnightMovies:...a desultory miserable lot...and a lot...let me think, where did this bunch start!...hard to think...neighbors are rocking...4th of July and all...brb...oh, the bunch started out with movieSleepyHollow1999...this like the third or fourth viewing--a favorite...and thinking on Johnny Depp, I remembered  I hadn't seen movieAliceInWonderland2010, and now could by renting it on amazon...so watched that...now, right here let me note the 'horrors' in both...head lopping galore in each, graphic in Sleepy Hollow...(though curiously bloodless as the Horseman's sword cauterizes wounds!), and while not graphic in Alice, much aluded too...and the Jabberwocky's rolls about...wanted to watch the Alice sequel, but not rentable on amazon...then was movieDarkPlaces2015...more horrors, shot gun blasts...the whole tale a mash up of like four or five different crimes stories of the creepy sort...told in the manner of flashbacks like the tv shows Criminal Minds, and 48 Hours...this is from a wildly popular crime/horror novel...then was movieExMachina2014...the biggest horror in this one was the tedious bonding of two computer programmers going on and on...another Artificial Intelligence AI take...one horror, a stabbing...and again the peeling of skin from a robot/cyborg to reveal the mechanisms underneath...these Prometheus takes are all 'peeling backs'...Dark Places was too, in its fashion, the heroine in the end finding closure, and an opportunity to begin without the imprisoning 'skin' she was trapped in...which is what happens in Ex...the AI robot escapes, and into the brave new world of New York's streets...and thinking back, this is how both Sleepy Hollow and Alice end too...the travails endured, the Horseman satisfied, the Jabberwocky slain,...Depp leaves Sleepy Hollow with his girl for the streets of New York, again...Alice off  to China...aboard an Indie ship I imagine!...there is on BBC a series called Taboo which is about the East India Company...one of my bugaboos...search Dulles East India Company...'oh the horror'... no, I've never seen Apocalypse Now...just a couple youTube clips...but its famous tagline is famous...I'd  have to subscribe to a channel, FX, for Taboo...no...onward...movieMoontrapTargetEarth2017...this is part of a saga...comic books, films...low budget...and reminded me of movieWarlordsOfAtlantis1978 for its villainous illuminati...a refrain in many flics...low budget horror...heroine after peeling away her travails stands beside some alien lord god...oh wait...the alien ship is human made, but by some humans before 14000 years ago...a refrain in everyone's speculation is that something happened 14000 years ago...and not just some geological event, which the geologists are studying...odd movie and one wonders how odd movies get made...no wonder how movieMadMaxFuryRoad got made...its sheer oddity!...all the Mad Max tales...much horror, but so frequent and over the top, it becomes cartoonish...they took the truck chase from the second one, well, from all of them, and stretched it out over the whole movie!...things peeled back, the general populace is freed, Charleze Feron their new Queen...I have no idea who played Max...he hardly spoke, and had an iron grid over his face through much of the movie!...now, I object to horror graphically displayed...the ancient Greek playwrights tended to leave it to the imagination...but there is a lot of one upping going on...movies competing to see who can be more graphically horrible...don't know but of late the political back and forth has joined in in this arms race!...anyway, often one gets to the bottom of things browsing movie menus...seen that...don't want to see that...and I struck movieFrakensteinsArmy2013...geez luezz...up until about when they happen on the weird skeleton, and the pile of nuns, this movie was genuinely horrifying...but then it like started explaining things, and stumbled about as awkwardly as the monsters...which look to be the work of advent guard artists escaped from a modern art gallery show...the mayhem culminates in much screaming as victims have their skulls opened to everyone's favorite whinny dental drill sound...and from when the monsters begin flailing about it becomes a cartoonish Monty Python blood letting...again, after the peel back, one soldier remains unscathed...how does the Spanish captain put it in Pirates of the Caribbean?...'I always leave one alive to tell the tale.'...oh...one more...rolled over to AMC yesterday...movieHouse2017...a comedy with SNL blood...twilight out...let the fireworks begin...



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