Monday, March 2, 2009

Rainy Windy Day

Paddled out to Cook's Meadow after Breakfast...with all the gear and wearing the poncho...but it wasn't raining very hard....just enough to concern me about the cameras getting fact, left the new camera behind, and took the two 12xs....been reading about what happens to digital cameras when water gets inside them!...I've been a bit too cavalier with them in snow and rain...and will have to get a big plastic baggie with a silica pack...that's recommended to package them when one sends them off for repair!...the silica will help, maybe, dry them....oh...a google search: wet camera, will bring up important info on how to care for them...the only problem I've been having of late, is a lens error message on the 12x...this happens if the lens bumps something when the camera comes on...or sometimes, I think, when the battery is low...dont know, but the problem now, is that the card is filled up...too many pics and clips I haven't deleted...the card is one of my backups of my favorites!...I'm of the opinion that one should back up with three two drives and a cd...posting up to an online storage is a good idea too...I have many pics at Kodak Gallery...though I dont think I can download them back down!...but I do get good prints from there.....and another backup is the Blog (but cant download back here either, I dont think)...which works as a catalog....when I'm trying to remember what folder a pic is in, I look it up on the Blog....I can usually recall the time of year...and which year!...for sometime is a backup of the Blog....which will be very tedious! the only reliable way to do it is one post at a time...there are third party programs that do it...but one has to shut the Blog off and on...putting it into a kinda limbo where there is no back up!....and I make hard copy prints of my favorites....though that too, is a sometime project...I could use google's album feature...and get things printed...but I hesitate to do that insomuch the pics go up on the web with a lot of conditions...and not in context...the clips are a real backup problem...nearly all of them are 'drafts' I intend to go back and make into completed efforts...fortunately, the scenery, and critters, are always there, and if all is lost, I can just start all over! was I?....oh...walking through Cook's to Chapel check on Owl of course!...Owl wasn't on the Magnificent Perch, but two Ravens were atop the Cottonwood...pic...and Robins and Blue Jays and Black Birds..and the Redwings I believe!...were about and noisy!'s been so 'bird' quiet, and now they're singing and talking...back across the Bridge in Cook's at the Apple Tree I found a Robin perched..and while doing a clip, a Downy Woodpecker came and clips...and the Upper Falls were being tossed about by the Wind, which is pretty amazing, as a lot of water is in the Creek...clips from several locations...and Half Dome was doing it's weather trick...I dont know how it happens...but the Face makes Clouds!...this happens at places on the Walls too...somekinda pressure differential....and the Wind...which was from the South...plays a part...very neat to watch!....picked up mail..and lunch...and paddled back through the Oak Grove...little leery of the Black Oaks in the Wind!!....and found a picnic bench at Camp Four to perch...and have lunch...took a clip of one of the little Creeks in the Rocky one in the Camp...hardly anyone about in the Valley!....went my way out to Ozone Beach and along the Merced to Creek's End...a few Deer bones still about....but no tracks...Four by the time I got back to the Cabin...and I curled up for late nap!....rain off and on...sometime hail!...but warm...and the air dry desert like...oh...visited the YA Renaissance Show at the Museum (one animal pic...frogs with wings or something....the galleries hereabouts never have critters!)...and the William Neill show at Double friend Armand liked those...but is so miffed with YA that he wouldn't go inside!...only gave it a cursory look over my own self!....a night pic of a control burn in El Cap meadow area is worth a LookSee!...Grizzilies on Animal Planet...they sound like the Creek Bears...oh!!...and now they're playing... 'after dinner, it's playtime'...that's exactly how the Creek Bears behaved!!...they ate their fill of the Buck carcass...first one, then the second...then they began playing!....I can hear Redwings on the TV show...and they have some porthole clips...I can do without the soundtrack music!...still a good episode...Season of the Grizzilies it's called...oh!!..saw the Mallard Pair flying at Chapel Bridge....


Unknown said...

Hey David, i just wanted to stop by and say hello. I just found your blog about a week ago, and already it's on my daily list of must visits. Your pics and movies are just fabulous, but i have to say your rambling descriptions of the daily activity hooked me. You make me feel like i am truly there. And since i can only visit yosemite a couple of times a year, well....i just appreciate you, that's all. :-)

DavidDavid said...

Hi, Rhonda...and thanks for the visits!
