Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rocky Slope Deer

I have a report now that only one Bear was hit....(see Creek Bridge Bears post)...and while injured, survived....the two signs were put up to warn drivers that the Creek Bears were good friend and neighbor tried to research the story...they're as concerned as I!....and that's what they found...

After Breakfast, set out to go to two places...the Rocky Slope...and Chapel Owl's Cottonwood...soon as I made the Left Turn at Lower Falls, I happened on the Deer on the Trail....had to detour up the Slope to get by them......but that didn't work!...too many!...tried going around at the nearby Road Edge...and looking up saw what a good setting it was, and how their moving around inter played with the Boulders and Trees, and decided to spend the Rocky Slope time taking the Deer clips...clip is one of several like it...too shady for overcast...and the Slope tree overcast!....picked up when some Tourists came along, and headed to Chapel Owl...on the way, report of Owl...with photogs....yesterday at the Oak Grove...this is good news..the Oak Grove is where the Owls nested two Springs ago....dont know if it was Chapel Owl snoozing....and Chapel Owl was on the Cottonwood perch today...which is magnificent!...see's a blurry pic...over cast didn't lend itself to sharp pics like the bright sun the other day...little bit of Owl clip at the end of the Deer clip...Owl woke up for just a moment when a snowshoer went by right under the Tree!...I'm not too good at keeping a Critter's whereabouts secret..told Joanne, Doug, Faith, Bernie, Suzy of Owl's Tree...but for good cause!...they all report Critters and hidden trails and what's raining tonight...hope it snows a bit so I find tracks...but that isn't in the forecast until Tuesday...Winter cant be over!....but heard RedWing Blackbird today...and heard Hawk right above Last Chance!...but couldn't locate....Hawk calling is a good sign too!...thanks, Steve, for the Follower Link!

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