Friday, October 17, 2008

Mystery Bird Call

Well...after going offline last night...2am..on the way to the Bath Without...Bear was there..behind the Cabin!...went back and got the camera...but lost track...paddled about looking in the flipflops...Moon out and bright...

Went out through Owl Woods after breakfast...thought to go to Owl Log..and just sit...but the Mystery Birds were calling....both of them...the nasal "hanq hanq hanq hanq" one...and the "haa haa haa haa....haa....haaa...." one...the second one can be heard on the clip...the first one is there too...but barely...on hearing them I followed about a bit...then just sat down in the Woods...'Maybe they'll come to me..." I thought...but they fell of Doe with a large Fawn and Small Fawn...maybe an adoption!...I think this is group I got clip of the Sugar Maple is in color...couple days old report of Bobcat out at Happy Isles (one of my Jamaican friends was very pleased to see it.."it has a teeny tiny tail!")....Coyote report "barking like a dog"...clip of Coyote in Frontyard is from Oct. 9 last year...that was a big day!...took a lot of clips then!....another short walk today....sunny warm and blue with a little smoke....I gotta get some speakers for the computers...there's a lot of incidental stuff captured in the clips...sounds...and too while I seldom focus on the's there in the clips...and the pics background...Dogwood pic is from today...only pic I took!

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