Got up at dawn for breakfast....and there's a little bit of a Dawn Chorus...Blue Jays seem to like roosting in the Backyard Cedars...and scolding one another to wake up!...the Cedars are dropping their seeds..along with the Ponderosas their twirly ones...took the Shuttle to Sentinel Bridge...and paddled over to the Sugar Maple...just a few leaves have changed...the clip is from Oct. 4 last year...and one of my favorites...note the photog in the background in the beginning...continued over Chapel Bridge and out Lodgpole Point...the little birds were about and peeping...mostly Warblers..but it's hard to tell!...they fly about so fast!...sat awhile at Owl Log...then back to the Cabin and curled up 'till worktime....cool and cloudy a bit...rumours at work of 'big storm' coming...but the weather news pics seem to show it riding up North mostly...but we'll see...would like very much one of the clashing thunder and lightning storms...seeing the lightning flash beyond the Rim...and hearing the Valley rumble with the thunder...is pretty neat.... though not so raucous as the Lightning Storms in Tornado weather back East...like Texas where I saw one...not a Tornado...just the continuous lightning...Tornadoes were close though!!...this just north of Dallas where my Nephew and family live....the Warbler was in the sapling at Creek's End...the Sparrow on Owl Log...thought to get creative with the cropping!
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