Monday, October 13, 2008

Redshoulder Hawk

Dont know but today was more of a talkabout than a walkabout! began a late start as I took some time to clean up the Cabin...the routine leads to some dishevelment!...went over to the Post Office...picked up a tuna sandwich...and the bicycle I'd left parked!...peddled all the way over to CAD beach....(Sugar Maple isn't quite entirely into it's Fall colors...but close)....and found a spot on the Merced's bank with a view....only pic I'd taken to this point was Warbler..oh...and a sad Deer bedraggled Primrose!....looking out at the Falls it came to me to remember the climber's light I'd seen on Lost Arrow last night coming home from work..."They should be near the top today..." I thought...and with the Binocs I indeed found that to be the case!! I peddled back to the Cabin and got out the digiscope...and got a kinda neat clip...too long to post tonight....and it has a soundtrack of talk about the climbers...and afterwards I became acquainted with the people who happened along and looked through the scope...they have neat stories! very sad about loved ones lost to the river during Spring flood....this years ago...and it's in the book about such things sold hereabouts...picked up and went to Last Chance and for more talk making plans for a day trip to Convict Lake tomorrow...looking forward to that!...never been to the East side in the Fall...these conversations seldom stay on topic and wander all over!!!...picked up and asked for wishes of luck finding sooner I reached the backyard than Does and Fawns showed up....took enough clips to fill up the two gig card!!...moved on out through Owl Woods...and to Owl Log...and Merganser showed up!...neat clip...then I tried to get some clips of the Ouzels which were playing and singing...but wouldn't perch...walking along Lodepole Point near where the Twig was...a bird I thought was a Bandtail Pidgeon landed in a was Hawk!...and oh I wish Hawk had turned around...I'm sure it's a juvenile Redshoulder......the long banded tail and the thin legs...haven't seen a Redshoulder since President's flew off in attack mode across the Merced...and I followed over Chapel Bridge...lost it...but being where I was thought to continue on the Big Loop...heard that strange bird call again...and tried to record it...but too slow!...only got the two stretched out calls at the end...forgot to post them...will put them up tomorrow...was nearly dark when I got to Swinging Bridge...passed a Doe rustling fallen leaves along the river....reports of Mountain Lion...a pair...were tapping at my head like a gentle woodpecker!....but with hardly a care I made it to Last Chance for dinner...and more talkabouts with friends...makes me think to start up a 'talkabout' blog....but there's enough of those!...big bright full sunny blue with a breeze...shared pics with canons...their ipod...of climbers...of all things...young climber had been many places...and tomorrow was planning to walk the slack line of Lost Arrow...dont know but the gentle woodpecker was tapping his noggin too!...wished him luck...and he was surely a happy clam with anticipation of the adventure!

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