Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sentinel Hawk

Sentinel Hawk clip is from a year ago yesterday...Grey Squirrel up in the Fig Tree from today!...a short walkabout....went out to Creek's End and sat awhile...then out to the Deer House...oh...herbicide spraying the latest effort to get rid of the invasive Bear Clover...little warning signs by the dirt road to the path to Owl Woods....French tourist was bent over trying to read it out to their group...otherwise I wouldn't have noticed!......Owl is whoo whoooing early in the morning in the Upper Creek woods...though the direction part of the report was vague!...have to get up with the birds and check tomorrow!'s gorgeous weather and the scenery has all the artists and photogs agog...sunny warm and blue with light breeze....oh...the French were in the Backyard too ...and paused while admiring the leaves to inspect the Bus!...wish I had clip...they were talking in French!...Raccoon pic on walk home from work...tourist, I thought, was beside me in the dark listening for the rustle in the leaves...then shined their flashlight...Mama Racoon with maybe all Four...tough to see...turns out the 'tourist' is my new cabin neighbor ...and they got flash pics too!

Oh...I went over and did a Google Blog search (open Google 'more'): Yosemite Herbicide....a curio it is afterall!...and found explanation:

I'll look for NPS site with talkabout...can quote that one freely!'s one on one of the trouble species...Rubus discolor...Himilayan Blackberry...dont know but it's benefits as food and shelter for the critters in the Backyard might outway it's invasiveness...insomuch as much food and shelter sources have been lost to the invasive asphalt species!!!

I think they have some of this over in the Fen! by design! I have to go find the properties of the herbicide...hmmph...and I was in a good mood!'s likely glyphosate...and wiki's take says it was better known under the name 'roundup'...and Green Peace says it is low's an education!

And...well..I'm jealous...a blog page in French...from a day hereabouts and they have pics of both Bobcat and Bear...the Bobcat one very unusual...vive le francais...dont know but I spelled that wrong...but one gets the idea!..

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