Saturday, July 11, 2009

Backyard Bear

I went down to the River's edge near Half Stump...lots of see what the Ravens were making a ruckus about on the opposite shore...and found the Kayak Paddles...what to do??...I gathered them up and took them along!...Owl Woods was quiet...and so was Two Top Pine Meadow when I got there...but I thought to sit and watch the sun rise spread light on the Rims, and down to the Meadow...maybe I might hear Hawk....a Young Buck came to the Path...I was holding the Paddles and tried to get the 2ox out...and the Buck was really startled and scared by Paddles waving about...the Deer seldom look startled!...something to think on, I thought, and put the Deer's reaction to the Paddles in a ThoughtHobby...which I have a few!...then I thought to take a self portrait with the Paddles...Two Top for background...and it came out pretty neat!...and just as I finished the pic, I heard Hawk...way on the other side of the Meadow again...I dropped the Paddles to the ground beside Path...someone with a Kayak is welcome to them!...and off I went at a kinda slow as I could without losing gear!....and Hawk's call towed me all the way to Beaver Bend again...Sandpiper clip and pic in the early sun on the way..for sometime...Hawk's call was deep in the Forest on the opposite bank...I think Hawk may roost there by Sentinel Beach...and I slowed and was stumped...but then I heard the call up on Rocky Point...oh!...I got a neat call clip there., and nearly a pic..for sometime...and I thought that would be the post up tonight....just a glimpse of Hawk flying...paddled back through Camp 4...and thereabout, got clips and pics of Two Flickers together...very neat...and I thought that would be the post up!..but for sometime...continued on, and as I reached the Grinding Stone near Lower Falls, I heard wood breaking..that sound Bear makes looking for termites...and I got the camera out just in case...and Bear appeared!...and walked out into the Mini Meadow...clip for sometime...Japanese tourists got all excited...I almost got clip of Bear crossing the Road at Creek Bridge...right by the Speed Kills Bears sign...which would have been cool...but I lost sight...I gave my attention to trying to stop the Tourists from crowding around Bear...but didn't need to..the Tour Guide was bellowing loudly something in Japanese, and they all pulled back!...I'm half asleep through all this, by the way...having gone out at five thirty!...I crossed the Road to the Cabin...and thought to go back to the Creek on just the chance Bear would be there...and before going very fact right behind the Neighborhood, I found Bear...clips and pics...and lots of them, as Bear meandered about right behind the Rooms for a good while...and for sometime, is an observation of Bear that has to do with the Paddles and the Deer....but let me get to the clip up!...up aways on the Path, I tried to stay ahead of Bear, and happened on Deer watching Bear...Deer do this when Bear is about...they watch just like tourists!...and this one left off...and then turned around, went back, and watched some more!...anyway, just that I find charming and the stuff of a post!...the rest of the clip is routine Bear in Appletree!...a few tourists from the Rooms gathered and got some good views of Bear...and fortunately, Bear had gone out into the Woods, instead of climbing into a Tour Bus...which at one time in the Bearabout, was like just thirty yards away..oh...I'll do another post and relate this better!...had Breakfast and went to sleep...and to sleep now too in a minute or two, and all the way to worktime tomorrow!...the lure of maybe hearing maybe Owls or Hawks at five thirty in the morning has sorta taken hold!....sunny hot blue....and just a couple mosquito bites!!...oh...Bear number 99...or 66...I have to check...but I think I have clip of this Bear from long time ago...thought it was Fir Bear...46...or 49!

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