Monday, July 13, 2009

Creek Owls

Rafters were at Creek's End, looking up into the Trees....on the opposite shore, I tried to be low key, and they spoke first..'Did you see the Owls!'...they'd seen them both, and pointed to the Trees where they saw them fly to...I imagine they startled them...I thanked them...and looked about...finding one, then the other, which took some doing!!...both Young Owls snoozing, one on each side of the Creek by the Great Turf and the Tiki gave me a momentary look...and I had the new camera in manual mode, with a low exposure....and pic came out okay!....Owls' backs are to me in all the rest....and the clips, for sometime, very restful!...the Trees swaying, and the Leaves twirling...later at work, during my lunch break, I found Mama Doe and her Two Fawns....pic...and clips for sometime...all with the 3x...souvenirs....sunny hot blue....Mama Doe was about in the Little Forest where she gave birth..and dont know but she looks like the Doe that was Bear watching...which would explain that, if the Fawns were in the heavy grasses thereabout!

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