Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Slept in until noon...bit chilly in the Cabin, and warm in the blue sleeping bag!....all afternoon couldn't decide to stay in the Valley, or go down the hill...'caravan at 6:30'....put decision off, and paddled out to Bobcat Meadow...SnowWoman pic...and Meadow quietquiet, except for the mini snow plows...checked mail, just to see if it's true....and paddled back along, sometimes on, the Road...Little Birds about...Golden Crowned Kinglets, Mountain Chickadee, and Brown Creeper--a mixed flock....lots of pics, and all blurry, or wrong end forward!...Deer at the Oak Grove...Doe pic....returned to the Cabin and re arranged the dishevelment...did some laundry...snacked....and finally loaded up Silver, and rolled as far as the Gates of the Valley...pic up....and rolled a little further....and turned around!....sunny puff cloudy cool to warm...report from Joshua Tree...lots of Birds, and Hummingbirds, and Plants blooming....in the evening: Mallards, all Eleven at least, in Bobcat Meadow....Redwing calls, Ravens, Blackbird Flock...and DownyOrHairy Woodpecker peeping by the Cabin...

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