Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bobcat Walk

Well, the Chargers were driving while I was gearing up...and scored!...tied the game seven seven...and I had to decide to watch the game with a few hundred million other eyes...or go for the walk...kind of a no brainer...but I was to the Tiki Outlet Pond and thought to take another icefrost pic...but caught glimpse of Bobcat strolling in Owl Woods...started following and taking hand held clips...Bobcat followed the same identical route used before...across the Creek, behind the Deer House and over to Cook's and then across the road to Lower Falls...I had time so was able to follow along the paths all the way over to where the boardwalk begins through Cook's passed the Elm...this was a long stroll! Deer in the clips too...Antlered Buck looking and looking at Bobcat...and Young Antlered Buck..which I haven't seen in awhile...actually goes after Bobcat...they were all on the Bike Path...and this all happened right in front of two tourists...tourists are in and out of all the clips...and on the soundtrack...Bobcat pretty much strolled down the main drag from the Creek to the Village!...Bobcat settled down for nap when I picked up and walked home to get ready for work...there was Spotted Skunk in a corner all day at Last to see Skunk after closing when Skunk was carefully persuaded to walk out the entry doors!...should have went home at lunch and got the camera...shoulda shoulda!...very very pretty critter... Deer Mice tonight are making a ruckous in the cabin...sunny and blue...but cold nites are freezing solid the day melted snow...very slippery!...heard Hawk overhead at Lower Falls.

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