Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Least Tern Beach

The Wide Sidewalk does go all the way from Huntington Beach Pier to the Santa Ana River Jetty...I took the beach cruiser along last evening, and peddled to the Jetty from Magnolia Beach...there's another Jetty outlet just before the River confluence, and it's where water from the Water Treatment Plant flows out, I think...I cant recall just how it all works...when I took Marine Science courses at Orange Coast, we took a tour of the Plant...anyway, just North of this second jetty is a fenced in area set aside for Least Terns to have a nesting area...pics up...Plovers have an area at Bolsa Chica Reserve like this too...Rain a bit far out over the Ocean, and I tried for some pics... passerby asked if I was getting a good pic, and I thought not, but on review, it has a kinda interest...and too I was asked if I was going to take pics of the Harvest Moon..."Yes!"...and that was the thought, peddle to Newport Pier, and maybe get pic of Moon nearabout Balboa on the horizon...but no luck...clouds on the horizon...did take some sunset pics...and a coffee chocolate croissant snack...when I got back to Silver, it was dark, and I thought to walk out to the surf line, and at least see the Moon, which was still cloud hidden...Moon peeked out a bit, and I tried for pics with iphone...on return, grocery shopped at Target, tried again for Moon pic with iphone...and when I reached home, tried again with iphone, and it got the Palm Tree and Moon, but I took out the 50x and got a little better pic...pic up...iphone did take a nice video clip of Moon still cloud hidden at the Beach with the surf sounding...for sometime...scattered cloudy warm light breeze...found my bicycle pump while room cleaning, so maybe this evening I'll ride the drop handle...

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