Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcome To Balboa

Pic and clip from  Balboa Ferry Ride, 9/8 (see link for history)...didn't get out today...oh, went to Target...noted not many, or any, Parrots about...Two or Three Parrots I hear in the mornings...clear warm light breeze...I was up latelate leveling Picketpin to level 32, mostly in the bgs...I'm not a very good rogue...but the bgs (battlegrounds, Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch) have been nerfed, or something...everyone pegged at same ilevel, like 14, 24, 34, so on...better games, but some players still, through deserving know how, tricks I don't know!, can still dominate...but win loss looks like fifty fifty between horde and alliance...and much fun when a close game!...rogues, my rogue anyway, once out of stealth, and against more than one, is like toast!...I'd link some clips of the battlegrounds, but they're easy to find on youtube--lots and lots!

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