Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Two Sandpipers

Pic and clip from 8/26 at the Wedge...I was sitting with the Manfroto gooseneck attached to the five gallon bucket with sand, which I think I mentioned in that day's post!, taking pics and clips of the surfing, and these Two Sandpipers were having a dustup, or a dance...Sandpipers would be the post up for that day, I thought, but got diverted...clear warm light breeze...didn't roll out...cable tv is gone hereabout, kid took it with I guess, though he's half the time here, and half somewhere...and I've thought to sign up, but I can get network shows a day later on the web, and a lot of cable shows on youtube, and, that'll an afternoon tv session watching new season Goodwife, Person of Interest, and a moment here I'll watch a couple more!...Person of Interest is interesting...Samaratan(Skynet) is trying to suppress it's predecessor of last season, The Machine, which has gone underground...I ordered up and have Gog, the fifties sci fi, but haven't re-watched it...reading wiki's take is scary enough!


If we learn to communicate with animals, there is some hope that one day we will learn to communicate with each other.

Ivan Tors


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