Sunday, September 21, 2014


"Peeps" Sanderlings are sometimes called...and usually in a group running along the surf line...just one Sanderling pic up...tried for group pic and clip this evening at Magnolia Beach, but a desultory effort...was hungry and wolfing down Subway pastrami sandwich, and then the napkins blew away...chasing them down I happened on another beach toy rake...more loot!...sunny clear warm light breeze..."loot" is from playing wow...when one finishes a quest, one receives loot, and puts it in one's "bags"...and one must play the game to understand this! new players, inexperienced players, are called "Peeps" guess in game it just refers to, and is short for, people, people 'peeping' through their computer screen at the game...thought it referred to "noobs"!

Noob/Newb/n00b/nub etc
A basic, derogatory derivation of; "newbie" - someone new to the game, applied to a new player that does not know what they are doing. A player that "sucks" at playing their class. Someone who can not win any duels. Can also be applied in jest to someone who has made a mistake or error that new players often make. Commonly used as a synonym for morons, idiots, imbeciles, or as a general replacement. (See also 'Scrub')
oh, and on my facebook scroll tonight...(I'm in the routine of linking post to my facebook page, where it quickly evaporates!)...on the scroll tonight I find Yosemite's facebook page..wait...I think I linked it back in 2011 when it looks to have started, but not sure...anyway, it's lasted and grown and one can scroll through its posts with the comments, and see links and such...facebook is improving, or becoming more bloggy, as one's pages make more sense of late...I don't post to it, just and then I link and embed a wimp!

link is on the mast at right now too...don't know, but it looks a bit like older Tree in the Door posts!..noobs...

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